English physiologist Marshall Hall (1790-1857), who was one of the first neurologists, published in 1831 his 'Experimental Essay on the Circulation of the Blood in the Capillary Vessels', in which he was the first to demonstrate that capillaries are intermediary channels between the arteries and the veins that bring the blood into contact with biological tissues.
His most important work in physiology was concerned with the theory of reflex action, of which he introduced the concept in 1833 in his work 'On the Reflex Function of the Medulla Oblongata and the Medulla Spinalis', which in 1837 was supplemented by 'On the True Spinal Marrow, and the 'Excito-engine System of Nerves'. In this theory he stated that the spinal cord is formed by a series of units that function as an independent reflex arc, and their activity integrates sensory and motor nerves on the segment of the spinal cord from which these nerves originate. He also suggested that these bows are connected and interact in the production of coordinated movements.
German physician Karl Ignaz Lorinser (1795-1853) published in the 'Medizinische Zeitschrift für Heilkunde van Vereins in Preussen' the critical essay 'Zum Schutze der Gesundheit in den Schulen', in which he described the unacceptable situations in schools as a result of the study load in various disciplines and he asked to include physical activities and exercises in educational programs. As a result, Bavaria reduced the number of hours spent on scientific subjects at secondary schools. In Prussia, doctors and pedagogues were called to give expert advice, and in 1842 a decree of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV (1795-1861) introduced physical education in schools again.
In 1934, German Professor of Physiology Johannes Peter Müller (1801-1858) published precise physiological observations and measurements in his 'Handbuch der Physiologie'.
It was the start of scientific physiology, which was continued by his students Theodor Schwann (1810-1882), Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902), Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) and Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818-1896) .
American physician Charles Caldwell (1772-1853) is best known for his rise to the University of 'Louisville School of Medicine'. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine as a physician, he settled in Philadelphia and became a lecturer at Penn. With 'Port Folio' he published one of the first medical journals and he published over two hundred medical publications. In 1834 he published his 'Thoughts on Physical Education'.
The prison treadmill had also reached Jamaica. The image clearly shows how the prisoners worked on the treadmill and how they were lashed in case of bad results.
Berlin physicist and chemist Heinrich Magnus (1802-1870) discovered that blood contains large amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which he believed supported the earlier theory that a large amount of heat was generated during the combustion of carbon and hydrogen in the lungs. He assumed that oxygen dissolved in the blood and that the production of carbon dioxide and water was caused by oxidation in the blood.
German gymnast teacher Johann Adolf Ludwig Werner (1794-1866) published the book 'Medicinische Gymnastik'. He was also the first to introduce gymnastics for girls.
A hand-operated massage device from 1840 consisting of a black lacquered wooden handle, a U-shaped metal casing engraved with the words 'Idéal Masseur - Bain', which enclosed a series of eight box sheaves.
Anatomist and physiologist Sauveur Henri Victor Bouvier (1799-1877) was one of the pioneers of orthopedics in France. He performed orthopedic treatments for foundlings and opened an orthopedic institute in 1840.